Monday, September 24, 2012

FAQ - Milking time

I hear it asked often - how long does it take to milk a goat?

Well - it depends.  If you're just starting and still learning how to milk it will take some time.  I think our first milking took about 20 minutes.  I will also depend on your goat - some are easier to milk then others.  Depending on teat size and placement.  Also some have stronger orifices or sphinkter making it harder to push the milk out.  On the other hand - having weaker ones can also be difficult - causing the milk to push more easily up and back into the udder instead of flowing out.  The quantity she is giving is also something to consider - it will take longer to milk out a full gallon then it will a half.

Once you get it down, the actual milking takes less then 5 minutes.  I can milk most of our does out in under 3 minutes.  If you include the time it takes to get the doe out and up on the milk stand - feed her her grain and let her eat it up while you milk and finnish after, it's about 5-10 minutes a doe.  Some are slow eaters :)

This is pertaining to hand milking - I've never used a machine.

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